Dish Cover Size Chart

Dish Cover Size Guide Singles

Size  Fits up to cm  Fits up to in Uses
Tiny Top  7-10 cm     3-4 in  ramekins, carafes, cans, jars
Extra Small (set  3)  13-17 cm  5-7 in cereal bowls, prep bowls, dips
Small  15-22 cm  6-9 in noodle bowl, small mixing bowl
Medium 22-26 cm  9-10 in pasta plate, side salad, mix bowl
Large 26-33 cm  10-13 in salad bowl, mixing bowl, pie plate
Extra Large 33-36 cm  13-14 in entertaining, bowls and platter
XXL Large 39-46 cm  15-18 in huge salad bowls and platters 
Loaf Pan 13 x23 cm 5 x9 in small casseroles, bread pans
Standard Rectangle 24 x38 cm 9 x 14 in lasagna dishes 
XXL Rectangle 28 x43 cm 9 x 15 in the potluck dish! 
Square  up to 28cm up to 11 in  square baking dishes 

Dish Cover Size Guide Sets

 Set  Includes  Fits up to cm Fits up to in 
Set of Mini - 3 Assorted Tiny Top 7-10 cm  3-4 in

Pitcher Cover 10-13 cm 4-5 in

Extra Small 13-17 cm  5 -7 in
Set of Extra Smalls - 3  Medium 22-26 cm  9-10 in

Large 26-33 cm 10-13 in

Standard Rectangle 24 x38 cm 9 x 14 in
Large Set of 4 Assorted Small 15-22 cm  6-9 in

Medium 22-26 cm  9-10 in

Large 26-33 cm 10-13 in

Extra Large 39-46 cm 13-14 in
Set of Rectangles 3 Assorted Loaf 13 x23 cm 5 x9 in

Standard Rectangle 24 x38 cm 9 x 14 in

XXL Rectangle 28 x43 cm 9 x 15 in